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Circular No. 233/27/2024-GST: IGST Refund

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The CBIC vide Circular No. 233/27/2024-GST dated September 10, 2024 has issued a clarification regarding regularization of refund of IGST availed in contravention of rule 96(10) of CGST Rules, 2017, in cases where the exporters had imported certain inputs without payment of integrated taxes and compensation cess.

Sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “CGST Rules”) provides for a bar on availment of the refund of integrated tax (IGST) paid on export of goods or services, if benefits of certain concessional/exemption notifications, as specified in the said sub-rule, have been availed on inputs/raw materials imported or procured domestically.  In this regard, references have been received from the field formations and trade/ industry wherein clarification has been sought on whether refund of integrated tax paid on exports of goods by a registered person can be regularized in a case where the registered person had initially imported inputs without payment of integrated tax and compensation  cess, by availing the benefits under Notification  No. 78/2017-Customs dated 13.10.2017 or Notification No. 79/2017-Customs dated 13.10.2017, but subsequently, at a later date, the said person has either paid the IGST and compensation cess, along with interest, on such imported inputs or is now willing to pay such IGST and compensation cess, along with interest.

2.         The  issue  has been examined  and in order to clarify  the   issue   and   to   ensure uniformity  in  the  implementation  of  the provisions of law across the field formations, the Board, in exercise of its powers conferred by section  168  (1)  of  the  Central  Goods  and Services   Tax   Act,   2017   (hereinafter   referred   to   as “CGST Act”), hereby clarifies the following:

2.1       Vide Notification No. 16/2020-CT dated 23.03.2020, an Explanation was inserted in sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of CGST Rules retrospectively with effect from 23.10.2017, which reads as follows:

“Explanation. – For  the  purpose  of this  sub-rule,  the  benefit  of the  notifications mentioned  therein  shall  not  be considered  to have  been  availed  only where  the registered     person     has    paid    Integrated    Goods    and    Services    Tax    and Compensation  Cess on  inputs  and  has  availed  exemption  of only Basic  Customs Duty (BCD) under the said notifications.”

2.2       A bare perusal of the said Explanation, which was inserted with retrospective effect, reveals that in cases where the benefits of these exemption notifications have not been availed in respect of IGST and compensation cess, it shall be deemed that benefit of the said notifications has not been availed for the purpose of sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of CGST Rules. Therefore, extension of logic given in the said Explanation may lead to a view that in cases where inputs were initially imported without payment of integrated  tax and compensation cess but subsequently, IGST and compensation cess on such imported inputs is paid at a later date,  along  with  interest,  then  in  such  cases,  it  can  be  considered  that  the  benefits  of notifications mentioned in clause (b) of sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of CGST Rules have not been availed for the purpose of said sub-rule. Accordingly,  refund of IGST claimed on exports made  with  payment  of  Integrated  tax  in  such  cases  may  not  be  considered  to  be  in contravention of provisions of sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of CGST Rules.

2.3.      In view of the above,  it is clarified  that where the inputs  were  initially imported without  payment  of  integrated  tax  and  compensation  cess  by  availing  benefits  under Notification  No. 78/2017-Customs  dated 13.10.2017 or Notification No. 79/2017-Customs dated 13.10.2017, but subsequently,  IGST and compensation cess on such imported inputs are paid at a later date, along with interest, and the Bill of Entry in respect of the import of the said inputs is got reassessed through the jurisdictional Customs authorities to this effect, then the IGST, paid on exports of goods, refunded to the said exporter shall not be considered to be in contravention of provisions of sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of CGST Rules.

3.         It is requested that suitable trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of this Circular.


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Pooja Gupta

CA Pooja Gupta (CA, ISA, M.com) having 15 years of experience.
Educator and Digital Creator

Categories Articles, GSTTags ca guru ji, ca guru ji classes, export refund, gst, GST refund, gst updates, IGST refund, income tax, income tax return, ITR, tax, tax updates, updates


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Pooja Gupta

CA Pooja Gupta (CA, ISA, M.com) having 15 years of experience.
Educator and Digital Creator

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